Well here goes another lengthy process to fulfill my dream and be a mother and to watch my husband be the Father he so desperately wants to be, Adoption. I set up a meeting with the lady from foster care but she did a no-show(just my luck, all odds against me) we rescheduled and she gave me the number of a woman that is in charge of licensing..but, she has been pretty hard to get a hold of. Why is it so easy for some people and so hard for others, why is it the people who want and deserve children can't? WHY?!! It's something I'll never understand. I was born with a congenital birth defect called Unicornuate Uterus, it's where the mullarian ducts nev er fused or one completely dissolved and left me with half my reproductive organs. It feels shameful and humiliating, I know I shouldn't feel that way..I know that, but..I do and it's not something I can help, I also feel like I've burdened my marraige with this, I can't give my husband the family we want and while he says he's not disapointed in me..I am.
If the lord is good and all goes well we can have a little baby or toddler to adopt. We will foster babies from newborn to 3 yrs of age and if they don't get placed back with the family we will be able to adopt. I can't even begin to imagine what It would feel like to hold a baby and know that he/she is MY baby and I'm their Mom and Scott is their Dad. I want this so bad I can taste it. It hurts, all I want is for us to be complete.
Source: www.afamilyforme.org